I just have to tell you, this book is one of the most innovative, interesting, and informative books I have ever read. The main reason I got into reading this book was because, 1) My mother-in-law highly recommended it, and 2) Cancer runs ALL over my family. So, I decided to buy my own copy. And since I am in the business of doings things the "organic" way more or less, this book was RIGHT up my alley!
Here's how I see things. I never understood how cancer became such an epidemic the past 50 years. It's always puzzled me. I decided to do some research and learned that due to the changing environment, the processed foods we eat, the chemicals put on our produce (fruits, veggies, etc.), and the lifestyle of the average modern day person, more and more people have been diagnosed with cancer.
Now, here's where I got into looking up things on chemo. Here's one website I found that literally shocked me when I read it:
Seriously, MUSTARD GAS? That right there should make you curious as to how something that is a bi-product of MUSTARD GAS could be the one of the most common treatments for cancer?????
I don't want to drag on this subject, but seriously people, if you are even the slightest bit interested in learning ANYTHING and EVERYTHING about cancer, I highly recommend you buying this book or even checking it out at your local library. I would be MORE THAN GLAD to lend you my copy also!! You will be amazed and fascinated at what you will learn.
I now have an open mind and comfort in my heart about cancer and am no longer scared about it :)
The Lord has really put this on my heart to share with any and everyone who is curious about it. I am going to end this blog post with a couple of excerpts from the book :) Feel free to bombard me with any questions!!!