Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Why I chose to opt out....

Before you read this blog post, please keep in mind that this is only my OPINION, although, I have done lots of research and talked with quite a few other mothers who share the same opinion as I do on this matter.

So, while I was pregnant, I read TONS of pregnancy books.  In almost all of these books, I read excerpts regarding vaccinations covering everything from importance, schedule, and possible side effects (including side effects that suggest your child is rejecting the vaccination and having an allergic reaction). 

We decided to go with "parent" scheduled vaccinations--meaning we would allow Claire to get her vaccinations when we decided it was best for her instead of the recommended scheduled of vaccinations.  Here's the main problem we had with the recommended schedule for vaccinations. First of all, in all honesty I don't see how its even considered humane to inject a newborn baby whose immune system is so weak and new to the world with all these vaccinations so early in their life.  Also, vaccinations weaken the immune system making you vulnerable to many other diseases.  Here's how I see it, if the baby is on breastmilk the first year of life or longer (which is full of many God given antibodies that protect the baby and give them a sort of super immune system), why fill their bodies with vaccinations that they don't need just yet?  There are many other dangers to vaccinations that I will reference to this page for anyone interested in learning about http://vaccinedangers.com/.   I have read a couple of books and even talked to a few people whose children have been healthy and happy babies before the vaccinations and started showing signs of autism and lethargy hours to as long as WEEKS after having the vaccinations. 

Here's my experience--While in the hospital, we chose to not give Claire any shots, but the doctor told us that we would be putting her in danger by not giving her the hepatitis B vaccination and they would call child protective services on us for child endangerment (which is not true!!!).  So we were bullied into giving her the shot even though she was already tiny and weak and extremely jaundice.  She never learned to latch on and nurse after that.  I had to express milk and feed her by a bottle and even then, she was lethargic and very jaundiced.

Then, we took Claire in for her two month vaccinations.  She had her DTP shot (which is a 3-in-1 shot for Diptheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis).  First of all, the nurse literally stabbed the shot into Claire's tiny leg.  Claire screamed for hours after the shot.  I have never heard her scream so hard and for so long.  We couldn't get her to nurse, sleep, play, anything.  We gave her some Tylenol and she finally fell asleep.  She didn't sleep long, but when she did wake up, she screamed over and over again.  We couldn't get her to calm down.  She also had fever (which is a common side effect), but it persisted all day and all night and into the next 4 weeks.  Those four weeks were the scariest days I've ever experienced.  Claire wasn't her usual happy baby self.  She also had a large knot on her leg where the lady had jabbed the shot into her leg and it was red and swollen.  To my knowledge, this should not have persisted longer than a day after the shot was induced. Five weeks later, she was still acting strange and her leg was still swollen.  I prayed and prayed and prayed that God would please protect Claire from any kind of side effects and heal her body from the vaccination that was put into her body.  The next couple of days she got a little better, but she visibly didn't look the same.  She looked like she had no "spark" in her eyes.   I called the doctor and he told me to bring her in to have her shots finished, even though she was still sick.  I fired him and have never been back.

Since then, Claire hasn't had anymore vaccinations.  We know this was the best choice for her.  We pray that God will protect her little body and give her a strong immune system.  To date, Claire has never had a serious illness nor has she ever had to go to the hospital and seems to have a very strong immune system. 

I thank God (and Claire's extremely healthy diet of fruits and veggies that she has chosen for herself) for that :-)

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