Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Mama, Claire

Yesterday, I noticed Claire seemed to be stimming more than she has the last week.  I wondered if maybe I missed something and accidentally gave her something containing gluten or dairy.  I did notice that she was having more frequent bowel movements and think this could possibly be a yeast die-off of some sort.  Nevertheless, Claire ate baked chicken yesterday for the first time in her life! She has NEVER shown interest in it before but at almost an entire chicken breast on her own.  I was so very proud and happy!  Also, she said "please" at least 10 times yesterday (although it still sounds more like peas).

I checked my email last night and I got a response back from a GAPS doctor in Mineola.  She not only can give us a full analysis of Claire, but she also has a farm with grass-fed cows and chicken, organic produce, and raw milk that she will sell us!!  Praise God for opening so many opportunities for us to heal Claire and also for us to start eating more healthy too.

I started the documentary Food Matters last night and 30 minutes in I was shocked and fascinated at the same time by what information has been kept from society.  It's very bothersome the way the medical community and government are more interested in making money than actually helping people.  

This morning, I walked up to Claire and she gave me a big hug.  Then I looked at her and pointed to her chest and said "Claire" then pointed to my chest and said "Mama".  After doing this a few times, she started saying it with me! I would point to her chest and say "claire" and then to mine and she would say "mama!".  She has never been able to sit with me that long and engage in that kind of exchange before.  I was very impressed and happy to see how eager she was to learn it!  

Things are looking up and it's only been a week since we started these diet changes!! Thank You Heavenly Father! I give all the grace to you!!!!!!!!

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